
Showing posts from December, 2019

How do cats purr

English When he purrs, the cat often closes his eyes halfway and stretches his paws before one after the other, as if trying to pedal. Francais Lorsqu'il ronronne, le chat ferme souvent les yeux à demi et étire ses pattes avant l'une après l'autre, comme s'il cherchait à pédaler.

At what age, the kitten starts walking

English At the age of 4 weeks, the kitten is able to walk and begins to run and play. Francais A l'âge de 4 semaines, le chaton est capable de marcher et commence à courir et à jouer. Reference Livre 100 infos a connaitre les chats. Piccolia

Why it's important to leave cats alone

English There are times when the cat does not want to be hugged. In this case, it is better not to insist, or you risk getting scratched. Francais Il y a des moments ou le chat na pas envie qu'on le prenne dans les bras. Dans ce cas, il vaut mieux ne pas insister, ou tu risques de te faire griffer. Reference Livre 100 infos a connaitre les chats. Piccolia

Did you know that cats sometimes eats grass

English Cats sometimes eat grass. This is perfectly normal. In fact, grass gives them nutrients and helps them regurgitate pieces of food stuck or balls of hair. French Les chats mangent parfois de lherbe. Cest tout a fait normal. En effet, lherbe leur apporte des nutriments et les aide a regurgiter des morceaux de nourriture coinces ou des boules de poils. Reference Livre 100 infos a connaitre les chats. Piccolia


Hi im Sarah, I'm 10 years old and love animals. Aren't they so cute? I would love to share with all of you animal lovers tips and tricks on how to take care of your pets. I'm also inspired to be a veterinarian. Stay tune cool stuff is on the way :) Sarah Spread the love